Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

Friday Five and Valentine's Day


Every morning I open the window, it is still dark, I can not see much.
But I do not have too: when I hear the ranting of the blackbirds, I know exactly where my cat is...


Not only the blackbirds, even other birds are active and test their timid spring song.


When I see the lot of flowers on the shelves, I often think: a florist has made the Valentines day...


But whoever invented it: it is a nice idea and we also celebrate.
We know another only since 2010, but I hope that love will be as still in 20 or 30 years ...
We'll go to lunch in a small restaurant tomorrow.


Here some pictures of my town and it's cafes, even for outdoor sitting now in the winter time.
And flowers, of course ...

Everywhere I go now
in the world, I see you
in the quiet looks between
people, as if you’d stopped
a moment before
to leave a trail of love
reminding me no matter
where I go, it leads me
back to you.

- storypeople -

Have a nice weekend and a great Valentine's Day.

16 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful pictures. You live in a lovely town.

  2. Das sieht so toll aus bei dir. In der Sonne im Cafe würde ich jetzt auch gerne sitzen und die Menschen beobachen. Die Blümchen sind ja traumhaft.
    Liebe Grüße

  3. Very interesting and beautiful photos )

  4. Wonderful flowers and shots from the inner town life. Thanks for linking up with Friday My Town Shoot Out.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. oh i just loved all of these photos!!! happy valentine's day mascha! thank you for linking :)

  6. I LOVE your town, such a beautiful setting.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to YOU!!! Thank you for the gift of this blog . . . it always seems super special to visit with you.

  8. Beautiful photos! I loved seeing your town and the beautiful flowers!

  9. Oh my...I sooo would love to spend some time (with my camera) in your hometown. So quaint. So full of character. So picturesque!

  10. Such a wonderful collection this week Maschas. Flowers brighten our lives. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  11. You live in a beautiful town...and I enjoyed all the colorful flowers!

  12. Blumen über Blumen! Das Cafe mit den kuscheligen Sitzen finde ich toll! Ein schöner Stadtspaziergang!

  13. I love the storypeople quotes!
    An interesting juxtaposition of sheepskin covers and blankets with the tee shirted waiter.
    Interesting to see your town, with old buildings and no cars...just people walking :-) xo JJ

  14. Here is shown one of the many things I love about Germany...the café with fur and blankets draped over the outdoor chairs, welcoming guests to enjoy the crisp winter air, while keeping cozy wrapped up in warmth and sipping on a hot coffee. Let's meet THERE Mascha! Bring your love and I'll bring mine!

  15. What a lovely town. It definitely looks like Spring is sneaking in.
    Happy Sunday!

  16. Love all the spring flowers



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