Dienstag, 15. Mai 2018

Narrow gauge railway

It's a very old prepaired pots from 2014, today I make the photos better...
But I haven't just time for posting, have some trouble with our European Data Protection Regulation. Such a lot of bad things can happen, when it comes at may 25th and I haven't money for a good lawyer or to pay penalty. So much I must change (a truly nasty stuff!) and I don't understand the technically steps, maybe, it's better to delete my blog? Still don't know, but I like blogging. My blog is for me a small treasure too,
 how I can give it up and delete?
Have deleted the thumbnails of my most beloved blogs and all the link party 
buttons and the google-translator. Sorry for that! It's not my own intention.

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

3 Kommentare:

  1. Masche, mach dich nicht verrückt mit der DSGVO! Da ist Einiges hoch gekocht worden von einigen Bloggerinnen, die ihre Wichtigkeit & Kompetenz unterstreichen wollten. Was ist dein Umsatz auf dieser Seite? 0€? Wieviel Strafzahlungen kann man bei einem solchen Umsatz verlangen?
    Also: gemach, gemach! ( Bin allerdings auch noch nicht fertig bzw. Zufrieden mit meiner Fassung ).

  2. ...DSGVO, I'm afraid that I don't understand. But I understand trains, these are 'Big Boy Toys.' Thanks Masha for stopping by, take care and please stop again.

  3. What on earth is going on!? So much censorship and restrictions to free speech on the net! My daughter's Pinterest page was deleted, so I asked to delete my subscription with them. It's getting scary when people can't say ANYTHING! I have never seen anything on your blog at all that was offensive to anyone! Loved the trains, though. Hope we don't
    lose you!


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