Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014


I'm old enough to wear red boots any time I want, she said. 
She wanted to be buried in them, but her son had them put her in taupe pumps instead. 
She wore red all winter long so the ambulance could find her quicker if she fell in a snow bank & also it hides dirt. 
She had married early & had always been a pragmatist.

  - storypeople -

13 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous picture. Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  2. Lovely photo and quote! Just made me smile when I thought of her in her 'red' boots upside down in a snow


  3. What a pity this character didn't wear red for the sheer thrill of loving the colour, rather than so that she'd be noticed if tragedy struck. She certainly had an interesting, if grim, perspective on life.

    Thank you, Maschas, for contributing your beautiful blue-skied, sunny photo to Sunlit Sunday this week. It looks like you took it on a gorgeous day. I hope you meet some bloggers here whose posts you enjoy and that you join in again next week.


  4. That was a surprise - I loved it!
    Visiting via Sunlit Sunday.

  5. Very wise thing to do wear your red boots and shoes. Amazing sunlit on the cross.

  6. Beautiful photo. I find cemeteries very interesting.

  7. Beautiful, sunny photo and a fun story.

  8. So peaceful! And a charming and interesting woman! An unusual post. I like it a lot.


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