Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

Our Beautiful World: Derelict

This morning I decided to celebrate a gray week.
And now comes this theme: derelict.
Already have always fascinated me derelicted things
and I have traced their stories.
I want to show some abandoned buildings in all their gray.
Abandoned houses are for me like some old peoples -
nobody their no longer needs.
But a word and a smile can give them joy
in their loneliness...
And a shot with the camera
makes that they're continue living
even if they are disappeared for a long time.

Shared with Our Beautiful World

11 Kommentare:

  1. These are terrific Mascha. I am also fascinated by dereliction and decay - and the beauty still contained within it.

  2. Oh what a beautiful post and beautiful shots ... I think you feel as I do about these things ... Thanks ever so much for sharing your photos with us at Our Beautiful World!

  3. Absolutely fabulous photographs, you have captured this week's theme so well. I really like them a lot.

  4. Oh wow, so beautiful... Yes I do love ruines too, and decay in buildings. Where I live, people tend to get rid of them asap, unfortunately, for I love the sight of beautiful decay. But then, rebuilding, renovating etc serves a great purpose too, I suppose.
    Big hugs to you and thank you for joining us at OBW!

  5. I find derelicts fascinating - a wonderful to photograph - as you show! Great photos :)

  6. Beautiful and interesting! Image 9 looks like a great space for an art gallery. It appears that some people already think it is!

    Happy Monday!

  7. Du machst das gleiche wie ich, auch ich lächele sehr oft ältere Menschen an oder komme mit ihnen ins Gespräch. :)
    Es ist schon komisch, das die Farben eines Menschen so verblassen können, das sie nur noch von sehr wenigen Menschen wahrgenommen werden...
    Dein Vergleich mit den alten Häusern gefällt mir sehr, ebenso Deine wundervolle Bilderserie!!!

  8. Wonderful derelict photos Mascha...old buildings hold such interesting stories and many are so beautifully constructed - the arched windows. Have a great week

  9. Wow, so many awesome shots and so perfect for our prompt!!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us at Our Beautiful World!

  10. there is much beauty in these sad, abandoned buildings!


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