Hooray, my blog has hundred readers of today.
Please, here is a bouquet of flowers
for my latest reader Maria.
I'll make a blue week in pictures now
and it has in it something blue...
Let me say welcome.
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Hello to you Masha... It is a pleasure to stop by and visit and be inspired by you and your creativity. Happy Monday! m.
AntwortenLöschenWere you been often here and how did you find me? Blog party, meme or random?
LöschenI'm interested in the way how readers find me -
Congratulations on your 100th follower. I'm sure you'll soon have many more!
AntwortenLöschenAh pretty bouquet! :) You probably have many more than 100 readers, though :) There are lots of people that visit blogs regularly through parties and such ( like me ) that read your blog too so I'll bet that you have many many more! :)