Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

Leaving Pieces

She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went.
It's easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said.

- Storypeople -

(The photo was taken by my dearest)

22 Kommentare:

  1. There is a feeling of greeting the light. Beautiful.

  2. Wonderful energy, light and beauty!

    Poppy (visiting via Sunlit Sunday)

  3. Ooh, she looks very high up! Great shot and very mystical!

  4. It looks like a greeting of the day and sunlight.

  5. Wow now that is what you call a view.

    Thank you for linking up

  6. Looks like a welcome to the morning/day - very peaceful and serene.

  7. wonderful photo
    I'm visiting from Sunlit Sunday

  8. The uplifted arms seem to suggest that she (you?) is open to everything the new day has to offer. Your dearest took a beautiful photograph and I'm glad it was shared at Sunlit Sunday.

    I feel the need to go and outstretch my arms now.


  9. Was für ein Geschenk das Licht der Sonne ist! Wie schön auch, dass sie jeden Tag ein wenig länger bei uns weilt...die Sonne auf dem Bild scheint bis in mein Zimmer... :)
    Du hast einen wirklich tollen Blick über Deinen Heimatsort!
    Genieß noch einen ganz wunderschönen Sonntagabend!
    Alles Liebe

  10. ooh, that's too close to the roof's edge for my comfort! love the tales from the Storypeople!

  11. It's always best to travel light. Love the photo and the quote!

  12. It's lovely to awake and embrace the day, whatever it may bring.

  13. Welcome to the great morning sun, expressionscan be impressive

  14. Very nice shot. It's like you are welcoming the start of a new day.

  15. What a great shot! I love the play of light and shadow.

  16. What a great idea and a beautiful shot.


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