Montag, 24. Februar 2014

My yellow rose...

My yellow rose is for Judy Haughton-James
Yellow like the sun
because she has gone into the light.

I met her only recently
only a few times I was joining in her meme.
She was so friendly and she loved angels...
that's all I know about her.
Suspected nothing of serious illness
and did not know why her blog
ended on Christmas Eve last year.
Just in this morning, I found this by accident.
May illuminate the yellow rose
I lack the words just...

5 Kommentare:

  1. Hmm, it's a hard thing when someone we know falls so ill, isn't it? My sympathies for your friend Mascha. It seems like her daughter is at peace with her loss and it also seems like she has a terrific faith which is keeping her spirits up. The more we broaden our circle of friends on-line, the more we run into different life happenings, don't we? Well, much love to you and, despite finding this out, I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

    1. Thank you for your words. Yes, it's strange how it touched me and I grieve for a woman from the other side of the world ... thanks to the Internet has become much closer. Would have liked to known better and I thought today that I had planned to make an angel for her and now it's too late.
      But I'm sure she has good angels now.

  2. So sad, but you've posted a lovely tribute.


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