Freitag, 3. April 2015

Friday Five and Easter worships


We have snow.
Afraid there will not be much with outdoor Easter...


Have a little changed my blog concept.
Will show more of my handmade scraps and paper collages.
I'll mix them with my photos. This results in beautiful color harmonies or stimulating opposites in the subject. It can enhance the narrative element of my photo series - I call it Picstorys.
Here are the first, what I finished.


The grandest and most sacred text of the Holy Week is this for me.
It's in Georgian. Words by David Guramishvili.
 I cannot understand the words, but it is not absolutely necessary.
Transported mood without understanding.
And the language sounds wonderful.


In German I don't know the term "Good Friday"
For me this Friday is a quiet day in the sign of mourning.
The great joy comes later, if He has risen.
Here is the song. In Ukrainian.
"Sorrowful Mother stands by the cross"

  If you have a lot of time and interest, here are all Stations of the Cross.
 In Ukrainian (modern interpretation). I love this language most of all.

(Made a textlink to all songs too, if youtoube-video on my blog will not working)

 Happy Easter to all.

20 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, your village may be sprinkled in snow, but what a pretty place to live!! So inspiring just looking at the rooftops and trees and adorable houses, gathered all together, for comfort!

    Thank you for all these beautiful Easter features. Our Greek Orthodox Easter is a week after yours, so I will say Have a Blessed Easter. Enjoy.


  2. beautiful place where you live
    blessings this Easter :)

  3. I wonder if my niece had snow today. Those are very pretty photos, a lovely decoration and videos also. Happy Easter Dear Mascha!

  4. Just enough snow to be beautiful, but I bet it's much colder than you would like for Easter! The pale green eggs are very pretty. Happy Easter!

  5. Your village is beautiful ... in sun or snow. Beautiful Easter post. Happy Easter!

  6. Have a blessed Easter weekend, Mascha. I see from your decorations that I need to get busy and get out some pretty things as well.

  7. Wonderful mix of meanings and images and music, and your collages are gorgeous!

  8. I hope you have a very blessed Easter.

  9. I agree with you about "Good Friday"...I have never been able to understand the term either. It is good that Jesus sacrificed himself but the real goodness is in his resurrection! I always wondered why it isn't called something like you suggest, "Mournful Friday."

  10. Your village looks beautiful with the dusting of snow. Loved that pretty table decoration. It it a very spiritual weekend. May you be blest as you celebrate the resurrection of the Lord.

  11. Lovely view. Looks like your village got a new dusting of snow.

  12. A lovely post as always Mascha. Happy Easter Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. As usual, you shared and shared and spread around the world. Thank you!

  14. Brr, bei dem Schnee-Anblick bin ich ehrlich froh, dass die Nachtfröste nun vorerst vorbei sind. Gestern waren bei uns die Dächer morgens zwar auch noch gefrostet, aber dann wurde es sonnig & warm.
    Allerdings heute ist es recht frisch im Garten. Und während die grauen Damen in der sonnigen Fensterbank bzw. auf dem Bett liegen, hatte ich mich im immer grüner werdenden Frühlingsgarten vergnügt. Doch jetzt bin ich dafür auch gut durchgefroren ...
    Ich wünsche Dir noch ein paar schön gemütliche Osterstunden.
    Liebe Grüße

  15. It looks so pretty in your town even with snow!

    I love your Easter/spring decorating!

  16. Good because Jesus did such a good and selfless thing.
    "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." ~ Romans 5:6

  17. Your town looks so pretty with the light dusting of snow! It reminds of the verse in the Bible about being cleansed from our sin and being white as snow :)

    Thank you, dear one, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  18. Wow, still snow. Belated Easter greetings to you. Loved your Easter tray x

  19. Somehow I missed this, but it is good to catch up now! xx


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