Samstag, 25. April 2015

Bones of light

I remember we sat in the swing on the front porch & as the dusk came on us like a song, dark throated & sweet, he told me about the beginning when we had bones of light & hair that burned like the sun & I asked what happened then? & I felt him floating there in the soft dark & finally he said we forgot & I said I never would, but sometimes I do & I understand now why he put his arm around me & said nothing mor...

- storypeople -

19 Kommentare:

  1. Sweet thoughts for you. Lovely photo-work again!

  2. Привет,

    Я ваш новый читатель. Радуюсь, что нашла ваши блоги. Они чудесные!!! Очень оригинальные фотографии и коллаж. Очень, очень нравится!

  3. Really liked to see this. Made me smile. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Beautiful wispy tree boughts etching the layer of windows. Love how your creative collage separates the two versions of these photos.

  5. The dancing shadowy limbs are wonderful!

  6. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  7. Schatten sind faszinieren. Erst gestern hab ich auch ein den Schatten eines Baumes fotografiert :)
    Die Collage ist toll, die gerissenen Ränder machen es sehr authentisch.

    p.s. feels real weird commenting in German after all the English - LOL
    Thank you for linking up @ s~A(R)T~urday link up

  8. Beautiful shadow shots !

  9. Lovely images, but still no leaves on many of your trees! ;)

    Friends in Shadows

    1. The leaves come out in our area only during the may.

  10. I love Story People ... tell me more about them. Your pictures are so perfect for the story. This is wonderful, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ Fronm The Sol

  11. That first picture is simply a Wow Shot! You caught the shadow of a tree on a building and you did it so, so well. Great!

  12. Terrific how you put your collage together♪

  13. This was quite interesting and intriguing, my friend. It's always a joy to have you share at Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!


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