Montag, 6. April 2015

Love or fear

They say there’s only Love or Fear, but there’s really only Love.
Sometimes it takes being afraid awhile to see that.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Very true, that quote, Mascha.
    Hope you had a Happy Easter!

  2. Interesting patterns in your collage this morning. Love the green emerging. We have many little shoots like that at the moment in the yard.

  3. that opening bud tip is just awesome; Happy Easter Monday Mascha and please stop by Monday WRites is up

    much love...

  4. What a precious leaf emerging. I love StoryPeople… great quote! Thanks as always for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  5. A pretty little bud. And the collage is like special extracts of life.

  6. Awww what pretty photos! Spring is such a nice season!

  7. Nice. Love the shallow depth of field of the first one, and the adorable chicks in the last.

  8. Beautiful spring bud.
    Thanks for sharing at Happy springtime!

  9. It's always a joy to have you link up wit Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you, dear Mascha!


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