Donnerstag, 23. April 2015


13 Kommentare:

  1. I must admit some graffiti is pretty and some is just ugly.. I think this fence needs to be painted..Great capture, have a happy day!

  2. This is such a mess! I have to wondr why anyone would do this!

  3. If people must write on fences and walls, at least make it artistic!

  4. as eileen said, i do think this one needs to be cleaned up again. :)

  5. i just don't understand how anyone thinks it is ok to ruin other's the pointy roof sticking over the top of the fence!

  6. Nice fence and too bad someone painted on it like this. It's just vandalism. Love the pretty rooftop in the background.
    Happy Thursday!

  7. I guess you have a few different contributors for this fence, but the total effect is not an effective collaboration. More artistic vandals needed!


    1. I think, the young artists are still learning... and before it was a little boring ;-)
      The reason for the photo was more the roof behind...

  8. Oh my that is horrible. I don't understand why people feel they have to deface other people's property.

  9. It is a shame to see such vandalism. The buildings on the other side are beautiful and are hopefully untouched by graffiti.

  10. Such a shame to be there in front of what must be a gorgeous building! Fences can be many things to many people...this time it was "paper."

  11. This graffiti just seems to be there to fill a space. So ugly, so sad. And the buildings beyond look so delightful.


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