Montag, 13. April 2015

Broken tulip - and a post scriptum -

Tulip careless broken
hope to bloom in vain maybe
it can still open

That was on thursday.
I have weeded weeds in the garden (they grow so fast!).
Careless refracted the little tulip.
I put it into the water.
Now, on sunday, it does not bloom, but had grown up the stem of the bud.
Same height as the sheetpoint... (and it's gone longer over this night)

Shared with I heart macro, Macro Monday 2, Haiku My Heart
Monday WRites


PS: On wednesday 15 of April

This photo I take on monday 

This was it on tuesday

And this is today!

Yeah, it has managed to open bloom.
The yellow is a bit dull, but I call that an alldays miracle.
And: I'm grateful for such little things.

20 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful shots from the green tulip!
    I like yor photos!
    Greetings from Hamburg

  2. Wunderbares Bild!

    Grüessli Julia

  3. What color will it be? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Mascha, very beautiful, and we are all anticipating the color that will emerge!

  5. How life can remain in places where we think all is death.
    Your sleeping tulip is so serene. xo Jazzy Jack

  6. Lovely shots. Perhaps the time to blossom hasn't come yet...

  7. I do love it when some of our 'accidents' aren't as bad as we thought! Lovely photos.

  8. lovely shot, do hope it opens soon to your delight

    thanks for linking in at mu Monday WRites

    much love...

  9. Das letzte Foto finde ich sehr schön! Was für eine Farbe sie dann hat, würde mich aber auch interessieren! :)

  10. Like a kiss, I hope it will open for you, if it does not, it is still precious and beautiful just as it is. Thank you for your kind words, I am having pain again since yesterday, but life is this way sometimes, it will pass. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  11. there is still hope in the brokenness. what a beautiful miracle you have captured?! with love and care we can all flourish! x

  12. That is a beautiful piece of pottery. I love a solitary flower in it!

  13. thank you for sharing your miracle!

  14. How wonderful that it managed to bloom despite the accident.

  15. Hox exiting to follow the beautiful flower.

  16. Simply beautiful, dear Mascha! I am so happy the Tulip bloomed. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  17. Thank you for sharing these fantastic photos. Your tulip is beautifully displayed, very elegant.


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