Dienstag, 21. April 2015

Old appletrees...

Old appletrees stand
in their stillness as a home
for lichen and moss

14 Kommentare:

  1. Cool images, I like the tangled look of the branches.. Have a happy week!

  2. I love old gnarly trees ... I do seem to see signs of life in them, so perhaps they will bear fruit another year. Great eye, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. Great perspective on these branches, Mascha.

  4. They are lovely! Great black & white shots! My grandmother had apple trees in her yard, and they always bring back memories.

  5. I love these old gnarled branches... your haiku sprinkles them with wonderful blossoms and the promise of fruit!

  6. Nästan lite spöklikt på dina bilder.
    Ha en fin dag

  7. It is amazing how beautiful trees can be in every stage. They may be old and gnarly but they are still graceful and lovely.

  8. In black and white they are all quite striking♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/off-the-beaten-track/

  9. I love the lichen growing on the branches. Old trees have so much personality.

  10. B/W format was a perfect choice to show off this old apple tree.
    JM, IL-U.S.A.

  11. I guess it was a long time since this tree produced some apples :)

  12. i love the idea of stillness as a home. an altar of light, lichens and hope.

  13. Oh I really like these trees in black and white. Really nice... Thank you for linking in... Michelle


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