Freitag, 10. April 2015

Late winter sameness

Winter sameness
snow at Easter but the plants
are ready for spring


11 Kommentare:

  1. The people are ready for spring too, I'm sure!

  2. Such wonderful collages of winter's final days... may your haiku truly be a herald of Spring coming!

  3. Interesting pictures you have collaged together. I like this and the haiku.

  4. I very much like your journal (??) pages. Winter has lasted far too long for some.

  5. Beautiful words and the photographs are stunning.I Like this a lot.

  6. I love your pages and your photos. I like how they have color but they are not so bright. They really fit the cool, snow at Easter you described. Happy weekend.

  7. love your words and your visuals. i understand such longing all too well. thank you for keeping the haiku fires burning in my absence. sadly since returning from mexico i have been severely ill and bed ridden. just now up since monday and trying to make a heartfelt visit with thanks and gratitude. xo

  8. Mascha, once again a beautiful collage. Very creative.

  9. I am always amazed at the beauty of your surroundings. I think that not only the plants but all of us are ready for spring's healing warmth.


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