Montag, 20. April 2015

Value of a nickel

I buried a nickel under the porch when I was 8, she said, but one day my grandma died & they sold the house & I never got to go back for it. A nickel used to mean something, I said. She nodded. It still does, she said & then she started to cry....

- storypeople -

The house is in Halberstadt, Germany

7 Kommentare:

  1. An intriguing old weathered building. Even the cracks are fascinating.

  2. What a wonf\derful old building and beautifully captured.

  3. I think the nickel probably represents her experiences, her memories, and with the selling of the house, after her grandma passed away, perhaps those memories were more difficult to access.

    Amazing photos.


  4. What a great old building, awesome photographs of it!

  5. Gorgeous architecture, even abandoned it looks lovely

  6. Beautiful captures of an interesting building

  7. Such a beautiful old building and the contrast of it with graffiti tags is really interesting!


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