Freitag, 10. April 2015

Friday Five and a picstory


Any pictures of Easter monday sky. It was a cold day...
Posted for Skywatch Friday  and In heaven (today not a separate post)


This is Halberstadt -  I like the town.
We had a visit from our friend and could make a trip by his car.
I greatly enjoy these rare opportunities to leave our little town for a few hours. It happenes only a few times in the year. It's always a special luck and I'm very grateful.
Must still sort all the photos of this day...


The rest of the week was stressful and messy with some incidents...


I like to join in the weekly meme of Our Beautiful World.
Every Sunday in the morning the give us a prompt and often I sit at the breakfest table meditating  about the prompt and my post. This is a well-loved ritual.
There are only a few bloggers in last time - maybe someone wants to play with?


Here is my pictstory for today.
The other stories of this week you find here.


Words of comfort

There are days I drop words of comfort on myself 
like falling rain & remember it is enough to be taken care of by myself.

- storypeople -

23 Kommentare:

  1. Die Collagen sind wieder stimmig gelungen, wenngleich der große schwarze Engel in meinen Augen gespenstisch wirkt. Besonders interessant finde ich dabei Deine, ich nenne es 'mal so: geschriebenen Gesprächsfetzen. Hast Du schon einmal daran gedacht, eine Ausstellung mit diesen Bildern zu machen!?

    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

    1. Nein, ich mache keine Ausstellungen mehr, die Zeiten sind vorbei! Glücklicherweise bin ich ja Rentnerin und ich fertige diese Dinge nur noch zum eigenen Vergnügen und zum Verschenken...
      Ein schönes WE wünscht Dir

  2. Sorry you have had such a messy week, but glad you were able to get out in your friends car and enjoy for a while x

  3. Such lovely photos. I hope you have a great weekend.

  4. Such lovely photos of the sky! Have a lovely weekend And hope it starts to warms up for you soon too x

  5. beautiful photos, thank you for sharing

  6. Great to catch up on your week. The sky is amazing isn't it. Thank you so much for joining in. I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy your Sunday meditation. xx

  7. Beautiful photos, especially the skyscapes.

  8. Deine Collagen sind wunderschoen Mascha! x

  9. Marvellous pictures! Loves all of them!

  10. Hi Masha hope your next week is less stressful and messy, with lots of comfort and blue skies! Thanks for the reminder about Our Beautiful World.
    Wren x

  11. Lovely skies and, as always, your collages are intriguing.

  12. Interessante Collagen sind das. Deine Himmelsbilder sind beeindruckend und irgendwie gewaltig.

    Liebe Grüße

  13. Your sky shots, church steeples, bridge and of course your collages are very special. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  14. love the photos and happy you had a visit with your friend and was able to do a little travelling...i hope the week isn't as stressful and messy as it sounds...hang in there mascha! thanks for linking!

  15. Interesting images. I like the artwork with the two faces.

  16. Lovely sky shots. - Sorry you had some problems in your week.
    The church is lovely and I enjoyed your collage with the bridge.

  17. Hello Mascha. I just checked out "our beautiful world". It looks like fun and I think I'll play too. Thanx!

  18. Love images, my friend. I hope this week is going much better for you! Thinking of you! Hugs!


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