Mittwoch, 22. April 2015


They sneaked silently
and they left everything back
in the country
which was no longer a home.
Fear went with them.
Family. At the doorway
stood the little girl
looked out at her big eyes
and gave Rachel the doll.
Look here, look back.
Said no one word.
Rachel presses the doll to her chest.
Mother takes Rachel
firmly by the hand.
They quietly sneak on.
Into mist and darkness.
Out and away of dark Germany.

Photos: Halberstadt, former Jewish quarter.

17 Kommentare:

  1. good write, youve captured the distress the little comforts and the importance of a loving center
    Mascha have a nice Wednesday; thanks for dropping and linking up at Monday WRites

    much love...

  2. Mascha, great job on this one, darkness that many can never understand.

  3. Your words are powerful and your images show the pain and yet bittersweet feelings of leaving one's home behind.

  4. Such a powerful post. And the emptiness of the buildings and the doll in the street. So very sad.

  5. Gorgeous sepia 'toy' photo Mascha, thanks for sharing with OBW

  6. I like the tunnel. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. I really love the tone and 'color' to these. Lovely.

  8. Fabulous photos and words ... Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us at OBW!!

  9. great post, thanks for sharing with us at "OBW"

  10. Excellent photos, but not black and white.

  11. I love the pictures of the window. That doll one is rather creepy though.

  12. Oh Mascha, I really liked this post and was deeply touched by it. I am so glad you shared this with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs and blessings!

  13. Your stories make me realize how fortunate I've been all my life.


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