Montag, 20. April 2015


There is a perfectly still moment right before dawn, when the sun gathers itself & then steps into the dark world & everything is so filled with light that any doubts from that long night are barely a memory. It is the way of all things that the night ends & the light returns. The light always returns....

- storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. perfect soft light here! And a lovely photo collage too.

  2. Well, you have told a story of hope with your photo art today. A welcome story that is badly needed in these tenuous times. Your pictures and your thoughts are wonderful.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  3. the light is perfect in the first image. The second image is a work of art!

  4. Terrific top shot, and an uberiffic artsy second shot♪

  5. Beautiful photographs and I love how you say "the sun gathers itself" I am sitting here thinking about that.


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