Dienstag, 7. April 2015

The train of colorful people

Der Zug der bunten Leute

Er fährt vom Schulhof. Jeden Mittwoch um Acht.
Der Zug der bunten Leute.
Er bringt dich wohin immer du willst. Du brauchst es nur zu sagen.
Zieh dein buntestes Kleid an und steig ein. Das Ticket ist billig.
Gib die paar Euro, die du hast.
Oder ein Lied. Ein Gedicht. Ein Bild. Einen schönen Knopf.
Und freu dich, du bist dabei.

Der Zauberer will zum Zirkus, die Dame im Pelz nach Bayreuth.
Das Liebespaar will einfach ins Grüne. Der König sucht sein Denkmal.
Die kleine chinesische Schneiderin träumt davon das Meer zu sehn.
Und was träumst du?
Du kannst es haben. Jetzt.
Steig einfach ein!

Der Zug ist schäbig und alt, doch voller Erwartung.
Und er fährt, solang seine Räder sich drehn.
Und er fährt bis der letzte bunte Mensch
diese saubere langweilige Stadt
verlassen hat -

It runs from the schoolyard. Every wednesday at eight.
The train of colorful people.
He will take you wherever you want. You need it only to say.
Put on your most colorful dress and get in. The ticket is cheap.
Enter the couple of Euro, you have.
Or a song. A Poem. A Picture. A button or some stuff.
And enjoy that you are here. At the train.

The magician wants to the circus, the lady in fur want to Bayreuth.
The lovers just want to the green. The king has in his dreams a statue seen.
The little Chinese seamstress is dreaming of the sea.
And what is your longing?
You can have it. Now.
Just get in!

The train is shabby and old, but full of expectation.
And it goes, as long as its wheels can rolling.
And it goes until the last of colorful people 
has left this neat and bory town.

17 Kommentare:

  1. I love this art! Wonderfully and thoughtfully done.

  2. A wonderful series of art that tells a story!

  3. Beautiful and interesting art love it ;-)

    Have an arttastic week :-)

  4. Hari OM
    Guten tag Mascha!! Indeed you can see much of Scotland by train... though it would be unlikely to be as colourful as this trip!!! Hope you are feeling stronger now. YAM xx

  5. Great work - I like your editing.
    Thanks for posting, and I do hope you'll come share at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/04/bluebird-breakfast.html

  6. Very beautiful art, creativity at it's best. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hello, my friend! Your artwork is quite unique and creative, my dear. Thank you for linking up with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  8. Very arty! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  9. Very interesting and definitely colourful people.

  10. Your art is really intriguing.
    I loved reading the poem. It is just as intriguing, mysterious - I like it, a lot.

  11. this is so so cool!! It reminds me of a travel journal I used to keep -- back before I was married with kids and actually went places! LOL
    but I would have Polaroid photos and poems and ticket stubs and drawings of all that I would see on my travels. I still have that book. I think there may even be a few pages left... hmmm? road trip? :)


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