Freitag, 10. April 2015

Crocuses at the lawn...

... and tulips at the shop
that is spring in our town.

13 Kommentare:

  1. Sooo schön...bunt, fröhlich und frühlingshaft!

    Liebe Grüessli

  2. Oh my these are just incredible! A most lovely collection.

  3. Mascha, beautiful and vibrant colors.

  4. Fantastic photos. I love these crocus, such pretty colors. Thank you for sharing them Mascha, and also for being our Guest Friend on the Today's Flowers home page.

  5. I love the shots of the crocuses as well as the other picked flowers.

  6. It looks so sunny in your part of the world, Mascha. Gorgeous photos, as usual. Have a lovely weekend. Christa

  7. I love crocuses--they seem to be happy plants with their bright colors.

  8. Wonderful! The crocuses are in full bloom here too.

  9. How beautiful these are. Love your macros on Today's Flowers, showing the delicate pollen granules and the details of the petals.

  10. Just gorgeous, Mascha! The colors are such a joy after a long, grey winter for most! And thanks for hosting Today's Flowers!

  11. I have not seen crocus like that for years......takes me back to my childhood. Just lovely! :)

  12. Wunderschön, Mascha. Besonders die Bilder von den hübschen Krokussen!


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