Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018

Soul mate

How can you be sure it has a soul? she said.
You can't, I said, unless you've got one yourself.

- storypeople -

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures,
Pictorial Tuesday

6 Kommentare:

  1. You capture such feeling, beauty and soul in your photos, lovely Mascha!

  2. ...Masha, your collages and images are a treasure to enjoy! I haven't seen a turnstile in ages, it brings back memories of going to the store with my mother. Thanks for stopping by, my best wishes to you for the week. 😀

  3. Beautiful artwork ... and splendid first image!

  4. Tolle Verbindungen zwischen fotografierter Realität und Collagen -Kunst-

  5. Fantastic architecture and story people artwork. I love visiting your blog and seeing your work.

  6. Mascha, collages are superb. Thanks for sharing.


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