Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021

Winter struggle


 Winter is that magical time of year where - 
ok, honestly, I’m just trying to get through it.
- storypeople -  


4 Kommentare:

  1. To be honest, Mascha, I am less and less a fan of winter as time goes by! The snow photos are beautiful, but I am delighted that these are not taken outside of my window!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/02/more-from-last-weeks-peek-at-cedar-creek.html

  2. ...sometimes beautiful snow can be a struggle. These are lovely images. Thanks Mashas for sharing.

  3. I always love finding your posts because of your wonderful collages as well as photography!

  4. Beautiful compilation of collage and photos. So true that quote. As I age, I remember not even noticing the cold of Winter, but now, just anxious for the snow to be gone and warmer weather. It is beautiful to see all the white stuff though on the milder days.


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