Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

Village Church

Mascha mixt montags - No. 29 -

Noch immer kein Schnee...
Still no snow ...

...und so bleibt das schöne Pflaster sichtbar, 
wenn ich durch die Altstadt gehe.
Die langweilige Kordjacke habe ich mit einem wollenen Dreiecktuch mit Filzkugeln aufgehübscht und der Rock bekam einen verlängernden Volant angenäht.

... and so the beautiful pavement remains visible
when I walk through the old town.
The boring corduroy jacket I have pimped with a woolen knitscarf with felt balls and the skirt got a lengthening valance sewn on.

Darunter ein Pullover mit Häkelmotiv, etwas hippi- like, das mag ich.
Including a sweater with crochetmotiv something hippi-like, I like that.

Geteilt mit MIXIT!  , Visible Monday , Fashoin Friday

Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2013

Stadtbäume - City trees

In ihrer monatlichen Aktion "Mein Freund der Baum"  
zeigt The Boxing Duck diesmal Stadtbäume.
Da gebe ich doch gern ein paar dazu.

Und damit möchte ich allen, die hier jetzt vorbeischauen,
gleich ein glückliches, sonniges, zufriedenes 2014 wünschen.

   I  wish you a happy, sunny, contented 2014.

Shared with Picture Perfect PartyOutdoor wednesday ,  
Photo Story Friday  , Give Me Your Best Shot

For the New Year...

How To Write Something True 
1. Forget everything you know & everything you want to say.
2. Listen to the quiet voices of the world. Start with your heartbeat.
3. Touch the pen to the paper. Feel it, the way it is only at one point all the time. This is the place writing shows up.
4. Write one word at a time. This will take more effort than you think.
5. This kind of writing doesn't care what you know, because you already know it. This kind of writing just wants to see what happens next.
6. When you can do this easily, go back to #1 again. This time no pen, no paper.
7. Live. Now you have something true to write about.

- storypeople -

Monastery Church - pt. 1 -

A baroque Benedictine abbey church,
which is now used as a Catholic parish church.
I made a lot of photos, this is part 1 of my series.

Here are just two images

After the local Church had passed into Adersleben 1216 the Burchardikloster in Halberstadt, encouraged the local monks , the application of a Cistercian nunnery , which was dedicated to Saint Nicholas. The confirmation of the monastery took place in 1267 by the Bishop of Halberstadt Volrad .

1276 the local church was incorporated into the monastery and later transferred the whole place and the farmers living there to the monastery by purchase . The village Adersleben was therefore referred to as a deserted village in 1445 .

The monastery was meant for the care worthy of frail virgins.
St. Nicholas Church

During the Peasants ' War of 1525 and the Thirty Years War the monastery was looted and partially destroyed. The monastery was still maintained. However, it experienced a period of decline, which ended in 1809 with the complete abolition of the decisions of the Kingdom of Westphalia . Since then, the St. Nicholas monastery church, dedicated is a Catholic parish church . It was built about 1751 . Of note are the baroque high altar from 1794 and two side altars .

Today the Church of St. Nicholas is part of the Catholic parish of St. Burchard based in Halberstadt .

The actual monastery building came into the possession of individuals and were bought back in 1866 by the Prussian state who established a state domain here . From the historic buildings remains are preserved today hardly .

Adersleben, Germany


She said you know what heaven is like? & I said I wasn't sure & she laughed & said grown-ups didn't know much at all about important stuff & I said I had to agree with her even though I was one of them myself.

- storypeople -

(By the way, this little bird stone is the grave stone of my grandparents)

Sunday's Picture

Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

Random 5 Friday

The week is quickly passed to this Friday.
Ever : time flies faster and faster the older I get .
I find that a bit scary .

We have a beautiful Solstice celebrated together .

At Christmas I was alone , my love was with his parents (far away).
It is good when he is with them , because they are get older ... ( and at least one of us has beautiful memories of Christmas of Childhood - )
For me, being alone has a lot of positives , I can enjoy it and have done . There is no lack for me.

Since yesterday I am 54 years old, but I do not feel that way. 
Somehow or younger timeless in a way . Whether that's good, I do not know. 
I probably should remember that two-thirds of life are over more ... (?)
It was not such a good year , with diseases (not just for me) and a lot got in the way and we could not do much of what we had planned (but that often does ) ...
I will not take any good intentions that I can not keep (who can do it? ) ... but some things I want to do differently. Conscious living more good life to have in time. Difficult to explain to ...
I still do not know how to be the year until the next birthday , but I'm looking forward to seeing many beautiful things . Certainly nice will be.
I'm curious to what now hidden behind a fog.

My love gave me a bilingual book with Russian poetry. This is a great pleasure for me.
I want to read more Russian again . Since now I'm learning English ... I hardly get around to .
Also my blog, which was a German -Russian blog earlier , has now become an English blog.
But I have thereby gained contacts for . me are valuable. And it is interesting to read how people live anywhere else in the world, not in books, but personally written in blogs
And it always makes me fun and challenge of learning something new ( I wish I had one at that 100 years before me)

VI (Bonustrack)
Last night I was extremely lucky. I've got from an unknown user on the internet my best birthday gift, a very special song for me. 
 The history to this is here

My personal Christmas miracle ...

... or even birthday gift ... I got last evening.
I was still busy on the computer and wanted this just shut down .
I looked again into the mailbox and found a message ---

But from the beginning of the story:
End of the 70s I heard as a young girl often Radio " IBRA " .
It was a  Baptist Radio in Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​. They had wonderful songs .
Of course, you could then hardly receive those stations in the GDR , they were intentionally disturbed.
Nevertheless, I tried to listen and delighted me in music. Many songs I already knew well from listening .
Only one I heard only once and that was the most beautiful ...
I had tried it record on magnetic tape (there was music cassettes time with us yet) , but it was very bad and almost nothing to hear .

For 35 years, I remember this song and I looked for it everywhere .
In vain !
Not even on the Internet I could not find it .
I have visited many sites , even Russian ... but nothing -
Then I found on Youtube a user , which more than 300 of these songs had been uploaded.
I have all listened and again found much that is familiar from back then , but not this song ...

A few weeks ago I wrote him a message.
I was not sure if he got it. But I've subscribed to his channel.
And last evening I found in the mailbox automatic email from youtube that this user has uploaded new songs.
I listened to - and there it was! My song .
I get it as a very special birthday gift and am very happy it finally , and in good quality, to be able to hear .

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013