Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2024

Das Mittwochslied


Birch Book - Train to Rome 


I watch the silt of my desire
Settle to an unquiet fire
While my loaded feet watch the ways go by
They will not roam on a train to Rome

In the dark my mind unties
With swollen thoughts of brown wide eyes
Amid the rush, possibilities arise
Glimpsed, then gone, on a train to Rome
A train to Rome; on a train to Rome
Glimpsed, then gone, on a train to Rome

From Leipzig to Milan
I leaned on you; you held my hand
But ours like all the journeys they will end
You continue on alone for a train to Rome

I'll need to get on to Amsterdam
To catch a plane; to keep a plan
But with a homeless heart held in my hand
All my home is on a train to Rome
A train to Rome; on a train to Rome
All my home is on a train to Rome

From unparted lips a quiet moan
An aching gut and empty bones
For the skin I'll never touch alone
Torn from my own on a train to Rome
A train to Rome; on a train to Rome
Torn from my own for a train to Rome

I watch the silt of my desire
Settle to an unquiet fire
While my loaded feet watch the ways go by
They will not roam on a train to Rome

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