Samstag, 25. April 2015

Bones of light

I remember we sat in the swing on the front porch & as the dusk came on us like a song, dark throated & sweet, he told me about the beginning when we had bones of light & hair that burned like the sun & I asked what happened then? & I felt him floating there in the soft dark & finally he said we forgot & I said I never would, but sometimes I do & I understand now why he put his arm around me & said nothing mor...

- storypeople -

Prunus cerasifera

Planted nine years ago
in my garden
enjoys me with its dark foliage
and an wonderful blossom
in every spring

(please correct me, when I make mistakes in English)

Freitag, 24. April 2015

Quieter today

This is a window into the stuff that goes on behind what we think about it & even if we were all to disappear tomorrow it would go on without even noticing except to comment now & then that it was quieter today than usual...

- storypeople -

Let the doves fly

A sky-story

Friday Five and the old manor house


The good news at first: this abandoned manor house is still alive.
I know it since 1992, but rarely have the opportunity to visit it.
At Easter we were there with our friend's car.
I very like this building.

These jealousies were the inspiration for my quilt (had already shown).
I never assume anything exactly like it is, but much serves me as inspiration for various artworks.


The pots are out.
In the pots is fresh soil and tubers of begonias.
Now they can grown (hope that the cold don't come back)


Last week I had not time to make a new Friday-Five-post.
To many was to do in the garden and I did a spring cleaning in the stable.
Much old stuff clears out, that was very needed!

On last Saturday was the removal of garden waste.
That's twice a year and very convenient for people without a car.
Green and soft things I compost here.
But all the dry and woody stuff I put on the roadside.
They take it away, shred and recycle it.
This is better than to make smoldering fires in the garden.


I've bought some geraniums.
It's the first year, that I must buy.
Normally I take countersinks of the plants and I hibernate all in the basement.
But the basement is quite dark, has no windows - not the best conditions.
So I must cut off all the leaves before bringing down.
All plants that do not survive, but never were all dead.
Not one has survived this winter :-(


At last a requiem for my dead geraniums: Kirlian Camera "Flowers"
(a track from the begin of the 90th year)s
Warning: it's a very sad music.
Kirlian Camera is an Italian Darkwave-Elektro-Neoklassic band, for Gothic people and this music is probably very unusual for the ears of the most of others.
I'm in love with some genres of music, was never a Goth girl, but I like this music.

Have a great weekend all :-)

Mittwoch, 22. April 2015


They sneaked silently
and they left everything back
in the country
which was no longer a home.
Fear went with them.
Family. At the doorway
stood the little girl
looked out at her big eyes
and gave Rachel the doll.
Look here, look back.
Said no one word.
Rachel presses the doll to her chest.
Mother takes Rachel
firmly by the hand.
They quietly sneak on.
Into mist and darkness.
Out and away of dark Germany.

Photos: Halberstadt, former Jewish quarter.