Sonntag, 11. August 2013


For me there are more important things in life than the school.
- Oscar Wilde -

Shared with My Whisperings

5 Kommentare:

  1. What a delightful photograph and that sounds like a typical Wilde quote. Thank you for sharing

  2. I absolutely love the vintage school desk! Not sure I completely agree with Oscar's quote, but understand what he probably meant.
    Visiting from Quotography.

  3. This desk image looks straight out of a TV show sometime ago called "Little House on the Prairie." It was about the author Laura Inagalls Wilder's childhood family.

  4. Thanks for your comments :-)
    I took the picture in a school-museum.

  5. I love the quote and photo combination. They go together perfectly. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on


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