Montag, 19. Januar 2015

An old monastery building

An old monastery building in Halberstadt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Today it is a part of a big and modern hospital, where I was last week.
From the outside, I like it very much because it breathes the spirit of past time.
From the inside, I liked it less ... -

Shared with Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors!, Rubbish by Roan , Glimmer of Hope
Our World Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday, image-in-ing, Yamini MacLean 

PS: I've recherched:There was a hospital since 1475 and this house was build in 1585.
In second World War a part was destroyed, you can see the original building here
Sorry, that I've this not earlier done, I'm still pretty sick now ... -

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, that really is beautiful, and I love that wonderful door, and all of those windows! I'm very sorry to hear that you were in the hospital, though... hope you're feeling well now and that everything is all right!

  2. i SO love seeing images like this, how old is the monestary

  3. Wonderful weathered old stone, I wanted to touch it.


  4. The arched door and windows are impressive. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Such a patina on the building. Hospitals are best viewed from the outside is my opinion also.

  6. ohhhh it is beautiful! love the arched windows and that door!

  7. What a wonderful old stone building. Love those doors!

  8. Hari OM
    Windows are always somehow asking questions of us,don't you think? Lovely series. YAM xx

  9. I so love the doors and windows...the last 3 photos are the ones I am talking about. Would love to know how old this place is. It sure is interesting.

  10. I ,love those windows!! Hope you are getting better!

  11. Wonderful windows! It's interesting how you captured reflections of other things in the windows. Thanks again for visiting and sharing at


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