Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

Say yes

Say yes. 
Whatever it is, say yes with your whole heart & simple as it sounds,
 that’s all the excuse life needs to grab you by the hands & start to dance. 

- storypeople - 

Happy lucky New Year to all :-)

4 Kommentare:

  1. ¸☆´.•´
    *.*★v . ✶•´ ☆´,•*´¨★ Ձ๏15
    ☆´¸.•★´ ¸.✶* ☆★
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    ۩๑ ӇƛƤƤƳ ƝЄƜ ƳЄƛƦ!﹗๑۩

    much love...

  2. What a lovely pic with you in WONDERFUL coat! And the cat of course!

  3. I am fascinated by your blog, your writing and your beauty. Great color combinations, headwear and hair. Thank you so much for sharing with Hat Attack!

  4. Beautiful, Mascha! Say yes to happiness... let go of pain... Lots of love to you, my dear friend! xxx


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