Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

A fresh start

A fresh start can be a walk in the snow.
It is so quiet and clean.
The novelty lies as yet hidden behind veils, you can only imagine it and glad curious welcome.

Down in the town we haven't snow, but we can take the steam train up into the mountains.
May your year be seen, fresh and pure and be a good one!
Happy New Year

9 Kommentare:

  1. Ach ja, was für eine schöne Landschaft. Da kommt richtig Winterstimmung auf. Hier ist eben alles nur ganz leicht gefristet und die Vögel zwitscherten gestern wie im Frühling. Aber egal, die Weihnachtsstimmung bleibt mindestens noch bis zum 6. Januar und danach entscheidet das Wetter, wie es weiter geht …

    Ganz liebe Grüße zum Neuen Jahr!

  2. Ich schalte das Korrekturprogramm wohl besser ab! 'gefrostet' ...

  3. your photos are so beautiful. I have a passion for trains and trees. these are fantastic

  4. what an awesome sharing of photos, thank you for linking to my celebration of 12 Days Of Christmas

    ´ ☆´,•*´¨★ ӇƛƤƤƳ ƝЄƜ ƳЄƛƦ!Ձ๏15´ ☆´,•*´¨★

    much love...

  5. What lovely scenes! The snow is so pretty and the train looks so inviting.

  6. Picturesque old train. The colour is a great contrast with the white of the snow. And such beautiful views of snowy worlds.

  7. That train looks like a fabulous adventure. Everyday is a fresh start. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. A gorgeous start to the new year! Thank you for sharing to {Fresh Start}.


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