Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015


I had a dream & I heard music & there were children standing around, but no one was dancing.
I asked a little girl, why not? & she said they didn’t know how, or maybe they used to but they forgot
& so I started to hop up & down & the children asked me, Is that dancing? & I laughed & said, no, that’s hopping, but at least it’s a start & soon everyone was hopping & laughing & it didn’t matter any more
that no one was dancing.

- storypeople -

9 Kommentare:

  1. I really like the motion in these photos.

  2. i join you and the children in dancing today, happy you stopped over at the Sunday Lime celebration today

    much love...

  3. Oh, how lovely. I love that your dress goes with the record cover! Blessings, Mascha!

  4. Ah yes, dance, as if nobody is on and on!

  5. Wonderful photos! I like the movement caught in your photos, the old record player and the vibrant red dress.

  6. I love the motion you've captured in these photos. So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World.

  7. oooow Mascha, what a great series off photos, you can see that lady dancing, swirling her red dress. Great post and thanks for sharing with OBW

  8. Absolutely wonderful!! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!


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