Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

C is for chocolate

My favorite thing is the wind, she said, & my second favorite is chocolate 
but I just do that so I don’t get too skinny & blow away

- storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. I like these three photos very much Mascha. The quote about chocolate made me smile. Very artistic photos, beautiful.

  2. So THAT'S the reason I eat chocolate!

  3. Ahhh, I love chocolate too, and I am definitely NOT going to blow away! :-) You can have my share if it will keep you happy and well, dear Mascha!

  4. Both good things to favor! Lovely sky photo!

  5. Ah, this made me smile, a very good reason to eat chocolate :) #alphabetphoto

  6. I must avoid this post, I must avoid this post, I must...


  7. Wind and chocolate - just the perfect combination. Had to laugh at that reasoning though.


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