Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

Friday Five and my cat


This photo was an idea of my love, when he saw the picture on my working desk.
I like the image and : sometimes I feel myself like this cat ... ;-)


The photos are made on last sunday - I was just out of the hospital and I still felt good. 
Compared to now.
To the sinus surgery I got in the hospital a heavy cold.
With every sneeze there is new blood flow and everything is swollen, wound can not heal.
That is the worst thing I could still happen.
My concern has stay most worse every day.
 Feeling like severe flu and sore very painful, since I no longer take painkillers.
But probably painkillers to blame for this state, because they suppress my immune system.
I've got with the infusion a high dose and then have it taken as tabs - that was not good.
And against other painkillers I'm allergic...
Healing will take a long time.
The only thing I can do now is sit a little hour by the PC. 
And I do that not to lose all creativity in everyday life. 
So I've made any little photostorys in this week... for other works I haven't enough energy now.


My cat has very been waiting for me when I was away.
Did not want to eat and sat by the window and looked out.
When I was back home, she came to me at night in my bed (which she never did before).
She has laid beside me and purred. 
That was very sweet of her and I think she understood that I am now also injured


Her own wound is almost healed now, you can see it in the picture a bit. 
A lot of fur is already grown, the wound was earlier bigger.
Just to the vet we could still not go, to pull out the strings.
Always the cat was hidden... and now I even sick.
That makes meakes some concern.
She is a wonderful lovable creature, even if she's often very suspicious.


And now the poetically part with a random story and photo

"Born for retail"

He has always had the soul of an artist, but the instincts of an attack dog,
so of course he went into retail

- storypeople - 

Shared with Willy Nilly Friday Five

9 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Mascha I feel for you in this winter time of the soul. Hold fast to your anticipation of spring and flowers, and know that your soul will bloom once more. xo Jazzy Jack

  2. Poor Mascha! Hope you pick up in health soon! Cat therapy is the BEST ~and she loves you very much I'm sure : )
    Eat garlic, if you can take it?

  3. I pray for your good health. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. oh gosh mascha, i hope you are feeling better soon...that sounds terrible...i love that your kitty is taking care of you...hang in there, you'll be back to regular in no time, i hope :) thank you for linking and have a good weekend!

  5. Mascha, so sorry you are miserable, and really hope you are feeling better soon. Such a lovely comment about your cat and her concern for you.

  6. Mascha, it is a long road to recovery at this moment. I know that your spirits must be quite low. But you will heal! you will be yourself again, once this trial is over. BE still during this trial. Take your time to listen to your body and allow your spirit to rise above this circumstance and connect with your Creator. He is there waiting for you. He is there walking along side of you. My prayers are with you Mascha...

  7. I really hope you get to feeling better soon. Sounds like you have a lot to deal with now.

  8. Get well soon, lovely Maschenka! I am so glad that your cat and you connected on a new level - both healing your wounds. Cats are incredibly strong and intuitive creatures, and yes, very lovable. All the very best to you and hugses! xxx

  9. I am so sorry about your sinus infection and the slow healing after the surgery, Mascha. I will keep you in my prayers. Sweet that your cat understood that you, too, are injured, and came to comfort you. I'm glad she is healing well, and I hope the stitches will not be an issue.


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