Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015


Winter, that is the ice on the windows
winter, that is an enchanted town
when the fresh snow makes everything smooth and quiet
and only the silent calls of the blackbirds
sound through my garden...

(The town is Wernigerode, Germany)

17 Kommentare:

  1. It IS a quaint-looking little village, isn't it? You captured its winter beauty perfectly.

  2. What lovely scenes of such a pretty, and charming quaint little town. I like the horses too, and especially the last photo.

  3. Wonderful houses and I love the horses!

  4. magnificent first image- it looks like a painting! what an enchanting town- I so would love to visit here!

  5. The snowy scenes and the old European village are a perfect match!

  6. Frosty windows lead to the perfect, winter village. Wonderful sights. Love the horse drawn cart.

  7. Magnificent wintry shots and so magical!

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  8. These are so pretty! I'm really learning to embrace the winter season.

  9. Absolutely beautiful winter scenes.

  10. Wundervolle Motive. So eine Kutsche sieht man selten und der Marktplatz (?) ist ganz toll.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Looks like the perfect way to travel in such weather


  12. The building designs in this town are so magical. Especially love the design of the building in the last photo. And the ice patterns in the first photo are certainly like some wonderful artwork.

  13. I love all the pictures, but the first one is mesmerizing.

  14. Mascha, как много интересных фото )) Спасибо за внимание к нашим фото-конкурсам в блоге КафеСкрапоМама )
    Но Вам надо указать, какое именно одно фото будет принимать участие в конкурсе. И ещё желательно поместить баннер задания в Ваш пост - самая первая картинка с названием конкурса и с датой проведения.

    1. Mascha, so many interesting photos )) Thank you for your attention to our photo contests in the blog КафеСкрапоМама )
      But You need to specify which one photo will take part in the competition. And also it is desirable to place a banner in Your post - the very first picture with the name of the contest and the date.
      Thank you.


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