Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Broken down...

Über Nacht war ein schwerer Sturm.
Und als ich heute hinausging, etwas Frischluft zu bekommen,
 fand ich auf meinem Weg diesen abgebrochenen Ast mit den Misteln.
Ich hatte keine Kamera dabei und so nahm ich ihn mit nach Haus.
Da liegt sie nun am Boden, diese Zauberpflanze, Bewohnerin von Luft und Licht.
Giftig ist sie, aber eine Heilpflanze auch.
Vielleicht ist es kein Zufall, vielleicht hat sie mich gerade gesucht -
Nein, ich werde natürlich jetzt keine Arzenei brauen, ich bin keine Pharmazeutin...
Aber Zwiesprache halten kann ich mit ihr.
Jetzt, wo sie gebrochen ist und in meiner Ebene angekommen.

Over night was a terrible storm.
And when I went out today to get some fresh air,
 I found these broken branch on my way with the mistletoe.
I had no camera there so I took it home.
Now it is at the bottom, this magical plant, a resident of air and light.
Toxic she is, but also a medicinal plant.
Perhaps it is no coincidence, maybe it just searched for me -
No, of course I will now not a medicine brew, I am not a pharmacist ...
But I can commune with her.
Now when it is broken and came down to my level.

(This is my last post, before I'm going to the hospital)

28 Kommentare:

  1. Oh so sad, it is a lovely tree, and you have so many lovely photos to remember it.

  2. Oh! Poor Mistel...
    Good luck at the Hospital!

  3. what lovely photos, happy you could save some to share with us

    Delightful Sunday hours to you

    much love...

  4. Photos 5.6.8 and 9 look like people with their arms raised up, maybe in prayer. Perhaps you can carry this image with you this week, liebe Mascha.

    1. You are right, really that I've thinking too by photographing the plant.

  5. I have never seen a mistletoe plant before. they are very pretty.

  6. When I first read that title, Broken Down, I feared it was in reference to yourself. I am so glad it is not, but I do understand the sadness of a storm battered garden and a broken treasure. You have captured its beauty in these photos. I always thought mistletoe was a highly invasive plant. Obviously you do not have the problem with it and it sure is beautiful! xo

  7. Misteln sind wirklich faszinierend. Da hängen viele dran an diesem Ast....
    Sie sollen ja auch Glück bringen.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Lovely close ups of the berries. Good luck at the hospital. Take care.

  9. Hübsch ist sie aber leider lebt sie nicht nur von Licht und Luft sondern is parasitisch auf anderen Pflanzen, besonders wenn sie gestresst sind. Mistel kann große Bäume umbringen.

  10. Lovely shots - hope the storm wasn't too bad.

  11. Oh no, what a shame. I have not seen Mistletoe growing wild for years now


  12. Great photos!
    What sort of tree is that? The berries look like little snow globes!
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. Its a plant, what grows on different trees
      I see here many in the parks... and in UK it's a beloved Christmas-decoration
      (you should kiss yor sweetheart under a mistletoe, that brings luck ;-) )

  13. Hari OM
    Mascha, all blessings for your health, first of all. Your photos are beautifully arranged as always - I love how you tell the story of your subject.

    The Mistletoe is a parasitic plant and the host tree (whether it is pine, or apple or such) affects its inner properties, thus any medicinal preparation. There are a number of commercial brands available, depending on the disorder being addressed. Its use can be controversial. (I am a Homoeopathic physician and have only prescribed Viscum Album once, in a case of hypertension, with moderate success). If this type of therapy interests you, I strongly recommend you consult with a qualified physician of ancillary medicines (Germany is the home of Homoeopathy after all!!!) and that it ought to be in joint agreement with any treatment devised by your current physician/s. If nothing else, you could seek supportive prescription for the emotional aspect of your state at the moment and for that I would suggest Bach Flower Essences. This listing may help you... with all love and prayer for your recovery. YAM xx

    1. Thank you. Of course, I have only contacted the mistletoe by looking and meditation- she's so beautiful (and I hope, I not need a medicine against cancer... for such the mistletoe is used too, I'm interesting in such things too, as a laiman).
      To make medicine, they must cut it from the trees without contact to the earth, have once reading.
      That every kind of tree affect its inner properties, I haven't known before. Very interesting issue!
      I will more read about it.

  14. Hello Mascha! What a beautiful tree! It is certainly sad it broke, but you captured its beauty perfectly. Thinking of you as you go to the hospital - you will be in my prayers. Hugs to you!

  15. The broken branch does seem so sad. We have a lot of wild wind in my peninsula world and I still feel sad when I see branches strewn round the garden. Wishing you inner strength in your days ahead.

  16. Very elegant photography of the sad tree touched by the storm ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  17. Beautiful photos, I looked through some of your post, you take lovely pictures!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  18. Something so beautiful...and so poisonous :0( but your pictures, as always are just beautiful! mari

  19. Liebe Mascha,
    schön, dass Du durch den Sturm mal so dicht dran gekommen bist. Ich kann diese Gebilde immer nur hoch oben in den Bäumen bewundern. Und es ist lange her, dass wir mal einen Mistelzweig zu Weihnachten im Haus hatten.
    Liebe Grüße

  20. Oh dear! I hope you get well soon Mascha! I am so worried now. So true about the plants, maybe it want to go home with you and help you. Again get well soon and I will be thinking of you my friend.

  21. I love how the mistletoe mimics its host plant. We have a lot in our gum trees at Heartwoods.

  22. What a beautiful series of photographs Mascha! Thank you so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  23. wishing you better health and complete healing.

  24. Wunderbare Fotos von diesem Zaubergewächs! Ich hab nach dem Sturm auch ein paar kleinere Mistelzweige im Wald gefunden und mit nach Haus genommen. Auf manchen deiner unteren Fotos (z. B. das 6. von unten) sehen die Mistelblätter aus wie Flügel von Engeln mit leuchtend goldenen Köpfen, wunderschön............. Lieben Gruß Ghislana


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