Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Something like magic

I hope you know by now,
no matter where you are,
that the way Life sings
through us into the whole,
wide world is something
like magic
& you will always be
the reason I’m
not afraid
to love

- storypeople -

10 Kommentare:

  1. Dearest Macha, what a beautiful and heart-touching post. There is so much beauty in the unsaid.... Thank you so much, sweet friend, for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your day!

  2. Macha...your photos say so much, with no words necessary. May this day be blessed! mari

  3. So much beauty and genuine soul in your photos, Mascha! Спасибо!

  4. Storypeople I love your little world. What you speak of is so true too. I'd love to venture inside that little shop too!

  5. Wow, what a super beautiful post, full of magic and beauty... enchanting images and stunning visual poetry!

  6. Die ruhenden Haende der Statue sind wunderschön!

  7. Nice shots! :)

  8. You're so right. Each photo show us a magical moment or place. Thanks for sharing.


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