Samstag, 3. Januar 2015

Come as you are

The funny thing is you were
invited from the very beginning
& maybe you forgot. Or listened
to someone else who forgot.
But, just so you know, I’m going
to keep inviting you, again & again,
until you remember.
So, you might as well jump in now
with me & start living before it
gets out of hand.

- storypeople -

16 Kommentare:

  1. Your photos are always so inspiring Masha... Thank yo for sharing :0) mari

  2. A couple of these look familiar. Love your kitty! And the feathers are interesting. Have a great weekend, Mascha.

  3. This cat? Not the injured one is it? I thought he was BLACK. I love to pick up feathers that I find on the ground, in the woods, on the beach, on the sidewalk...and wonder what kind of bird once wore them.

    1. You're right, i'ts not my cat. Only one, what I often meet on my ways.
      Feathers I've collected since childhood...

  4. Very lovely the play of light and shadow! Happy New Year, Mascha!

  5. These are gorgeous photos! I love the sentiment as well...come as you are.

  6. I love that peony!!! And the jar of feathers!!! But my favourite image is the sun nblazing in the window and lighting up the piles of books!!!

  7. Love how you've captured the sun.The feathers, books, kitty. I've heard so much about Daphne's Diary and I'm going to have to find a copy! Lovely images.

  8. Beautiful photos and prose. I'm so glad I stopped by.

  9. Petals, feathers, books or fur; it's beautiful how you've captured the sunlight touching each of these things. There always seems to be such emotion in your photographs, Mascha. Thank you for bringing them to ☀Sunlit Sunday.


  10. Very, very soulful - both the text and the photos! xxx

  11. Oh yes, let's invite the sunshine to come anytime! Beautiful photos.

  12. Wonderful photos of the sun shining in. I like the feathers. Have a good week. Pamela

  13. Oh, those books are wonderful! This post was such a joy to read and the photos were delightful! I'm so glad you shared this at Roses of Inspiration. Have a great week!


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