Samstag, 10. Januar 2015

Unicorn life

Today, after some reflection,
I decided I’m never going to
pretend I know anything
about Life ever again, other
than there’s a word for it.
Like there’s a word for unicorn,
though no one has ever seen one,
except from far away & maybe
it was just a trick of the light.

- storypeople -

18 Kommentare:

  1. Interesting quote and, to my way of thinking, a wise one. I very much like the play of light and shadows in your first photo.

  2. Hallo Mascha,

    danke für Deinen Kommentar auf meinem Blog :)

    Deine Blog-Titel sind echt interessant, besonders mag ich die Zitate und Sprüche.

    Ich werde auf jeden Fall öfter mal reinschauen.

    Alles Liebe, Viv von

  3. The little candles in the first photo are so enchanting and beuatiful winter skies.

  4. so beautiful as always Masha :0) I especially like the words from the storypeople :0) mari

  5. love the quote! You've caught the sunlight at very special times ... peaking through ... gorgeous!

  6. lovely photos; wishing you a nice Sunday

    much love...

  7. I like the interior shot, Mascha, with the candles and the lovely deep windowsill. The tree is fantastic with colours of the ever-changing sky behind it. Just beautiful!

    -Karen at ☀Sunlit Sunday

  8. What beautiful, inspiring photos! I always love looking up at the sky - it is peaceful :)

    Thank you for sharing this at Roses of Inspiration - I hope you join us again this Tuesday. Hugs!

  9. I love those bright spots amongst all the trees that the sun has not yet reached!!!

  10. The light behind the window is beautiful and the red flower really adds life to the scene. Trees against sky are always lovely. Great shots.

  11. I was drawn to the candles in the sunlight at first then I looked up and yes, I could see a Unicorn. Even if they aren't real, they spread joy amongst our children and you never really lose the fantasy of them. Your other shots of the sunlight in the trees are beautiful ... I especially like where there is a ribbon of light amid the shadows. Beautifully done, Mascha and I am guessing you know a lot about life ... don't hide it from us :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. The light in the third picture is amazing.
    I like all of the pictures, but that one really caught my eye.
    Have a nice evening

  13. Beautiful pictures, so peaceful and quiet :) thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays

  14. Here's to unicorns!..Lovely shots-have a great week♪

  15. Hi Masha, I'm Alex from UK ~ I really like your style of photography, and I can see you are an imaginative person.
    I love animals and anything from fairytales, especially European folk tales...I am crossing my fingers that one day I'll meet a Unicorn, even if he is only made of Light! ...
    Alex at

  16. Wundervoll wie du das Licht im oberen Teil des Baums eingefangen hast!


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