Freitag, 30. Januar 2015

First dance

I never imagined that first
time I danced with you
would bring me here,
to this exact moment, where
everything I do, even sitting
quietly breathing
is a dance with you.

- storypeople -

12 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful image and title!
    The poem reminds me of Jack Vettriano's painting "Dance Me to the End of Love".
    Happy Sky Watch,

  2. I've enjoyed many posts tonight. I'm so glad you are feeling a little better, and the cat has his stitches out.
    Making a warm corner is genius, and I love your window decorations. I also love your red dancing, and your quotes from the storypeople. If you suddenly stopped posting I would miss you too. xo Jazzy Jack

  3. the beginning of the day... precious. mari

  4. Beautiful picture and poem, Mascha.

  5. Zum Träumen schön, liebe Mascha :)
    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

  6. Pretty sky capture and a lovely poem! Have a happy weekend!

  7. Lovely moody shot! And, that Joubert quote is just perfect.

  8. Da hast du ja den genau richtigen Moment fürs Fotografieren erwischt!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Absolut gelungene Komposition! Sehr schön!
    LG Claudia

  10. I can hardly wait to be in heaven and dance and dance and dance before my Lord. Can't now, but sure can THEN!! Then my legs and life will be perfect...however our body will be placed before Him in that special way. Thanks much!


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