Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015


11 Kommentare:

  1. If I had a proper pair of rubber boots, I'd be trudging through this thin layer of ice enjoying the crackling sound of it breaking and the flow of the cold water over my feet. Then the next day, after the stream had refrozen, I'd do it again!

  2. Icy, but incredibly gorgeous and mysterious at the same time. Also, something to be careful walking on!

  3. Stay safe Mascha... it looks so pretty though :) mari

  4. Thin ice, it's fun to crack :) These are beautiful, tranquil photos.

  5. It looks bitterly cold but sure made beautiful photos. Take care and enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  6. ouch looks cold, but you can send it here, its way too dry and hot.

  7. Toll... bei uns gibt es nur Matsch und Schnee.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Brrrr......looks a lot like here right now. Water is trying to freeze over and then the sun comes out and then it gets cold. Lovely to look at but not ready for ice fishing for sure!
    JM, IL-U.S.A.

  9. Beautiful shots! I love the light!


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