Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Ivy on the wall...

Shared with Good Fences

14 Kommentare:

  1. I like the decorative fence and ivy covered wall... Pretty fence scene! Have a happy day!

  2. i love scenes like this one mascha! hope you are feeling better!

  3. so good to see green in January :) mari

  4. beautiful fence atop that ivy-covered wall! thanks, mascha!

  5. Greetings Mascha! This is such a great photo for Good Fences. A very pretty and decorative iron fence.

  6. OH, I love that ivy! I live in a growing zone where ivy grows but NOT that well!

  7. I would own this fence if I could. If I came across it on a walk, I'd have to go find out what lies behind it! Interesting view.

    1. It's an - earlier royal - today public park. You can walk all around and the fence is only that no one falls down in another level...

  8. Nice fence. I like the design of the fence and the pretty green ivy growing over the wall is very cheery looking.
    Hope you are doing better.


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