Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Looking for the blue

I'm searching for the blue, she said
& cannot find it in this town
the blue things are so little...
& he said look up at the sky
& then look down around:
we all are sky reflections...

14 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, some beautiful pictures, and you did find the blue color! Love the old brick building.

  2. beautiful and enchanting building! I'm hoping that with this posting, whatever reason you were in the hospital has been made right.

  3. Oh Mascha
    I love those beautiful arched windows reflecting that vivid blue sky!
    Gorgeous photos.
    Best wishes for a return to good health - just one day at a time.

  4. Hari OM
    Stunning shots of the cyan colour!!! Blessings and strength to you YAM xx

  5. We can find blue in so many places and yet it can be so amazing, I like your pictures.
    Take care and have a wonderful rest of the week.

  6. My dear Mascha, your photos are breathtaking and I love the way you captured the blues - simply beautiful!

    Enjoy the remainder of your week. Hugs!

  7. Lovely images. I'd say you found the blue! The cute whippet looks cold. I love the blue and reflections in the windows.

  8. You founds some beautiful blue hues and they are so needed during this season!

  9. So love the quiet gaze of the dog in the first photo and the stonework on the buildings + window reflections are enchanting. Great series of photos.

  10. Wonderful series! I love a blue sky.

    I can't use my WordPress ID with this setting. Teresa @ Eden Hills

  11. WONDERFUL!! AND, sky or streets or streams can be filled with BLUE! It's a treat!


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