Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024

Village of women



There is a village of women who know they are fire & they burn fierce with Love & even though each of them lives in different places, far apart, in golden fields & loud cities & by oceans & rivers & underneath the baobabs in Africa, still they come together often in dreams & for all you may think they are just ordinary women you pass on the street every day, they are the ones who hold the Heart of the World for all of us who will come after.
- Kay Skye -  

(Don't know, when I made this picstory - found it as unpublished in my old archive)

4 Kommentare:

  1. I've been enjoying seeing the trains in your last few posts! Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/01/and-few-street-scenes-from-paray-le.html

  2. ...Masha, I love the vintage feel of this lovely post, I'm glad that you found it.


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